
Showing posts from December, 2021

The homemade 'green' LED tent light (Design + field test)

Recently I went looking for a small portable tent-light, that can be used during camping and overnight treks. I was targeting the LED's with a heat sink attached to it. I found a variety of such devices but they were not worth the price I was going to pay. Most of the devices used the 3xAAA size batteries which are quite inconvenient to use, especially in India. So I decided to make something much cheap, at home and as I want it to be, in terms of size, shape, circuit complexity etc.  This time decided to something with the used batteries. Re-generating the wasted energy with the Joule thief ! Hence the name 'Green'.  Knob on the left side is to control the intensity. Right side is the switch. I have used a small wire to complete the circuit You can see two small PCB's mounted inside.   Ultra bright LED!! Once done, I put the setup inside a used plastic shampoo bottle. Used the empty space to keep the spare batteries as well as to maintain the b

Speech, Text Controlled Robot using ARDUINO and VB.Net

Difficulty Rating: 8/10 (Requires basic VB.NET skills) VB.Net and ARDUINO STAGE I: This is the basic setup of the Speech/Text/Computer controlled Robot. The commands are sent serially over the USB to the ARDUINO Duemilanove. The corresponding signals then drive the two 300 RPM motors with the help of a motor driver IC L293D. STAGE II: Introduced a RF module so that the Robot can be wireless operated, with only the Receiver mounted on the Robot. The transmitter transmits the signals with the help of ARDUINO and the signals are received by the Receiver on the Robot, which controls the motion of the Robot. Video of the Software Implementation (Software part): Video demonstration of the speech commands to the robot (Software part): Video demonstration of the full project (Hardware + Software): This is the video of the Computer controlled robot which has following features-- Speech command input Text command in